Post by schuyler james diego on Aug 21, 2011 14:02:25 GMT -5
she was laughing like crazy, [/size] ( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] schuyler james diago wasn't sure why he was here at the library, it might of had something to do with rayne pleading for him to read to him. and skye didn't have any books in his room so he through on some clothes and sighed, "alright raynestorm lets go." he watched his little brother get up happily and run out the door, "COME ON SKYEEEEE WE GOT TO HURRY!" skye rolled his eyes at his little brother before turning to his parents, "uh yeah. we will be back in a bit." he waved to his parents who kissed his cheek and he made a face. "maybe we won't come back." he rolled his eyes at the two adults, "oh skye just go and have fun." sometimes skye wished he had different parents, but he loved his mother and father, he didn't want to get away with them.
"skyeee," he heard rayne whine from the hallway. "yeah i'm coming," he said scooping up the little boy before glaring at the people around them. "got a problem?" he asked to some kid who was staring at him. "didn't think so," he muttered as the kid ran the opposite way. skye didn't know how menacing he could be when he was wearing a mickey mouse cap, but the kid would of found out how bad skye could of been. glad he just left instead of finding out the hard way. "alright little rayne where to?" he watched rayne roll his eyes and jump off of him, "to go read silly goose." skye laughed, "i so knew that." he scooped up the boy again, "but i have to bring you. you don't know the way."
as they walked and talked about little things, like how the sky isn't as blue as skye's hair and that what it would be if the tree's were red. skye couldn't help but crack up at rayne and he got some funny looks, so he put rayne down and glared at the people. "either keep walking or have my fist meet your face." he took rayne's hand and continued to the library, at least there were few people there that would say or look at them. the librarian new better than to look at the schizo kids funny, or so skye hoped anyway. cause the librarian wasn't going to get free just cause she was a staff. he kissed rayne's head as they made it to the library, he took a book of the shelf, and pulled rayne into his lap, and started to read to him, when rayne say someone and ran up to the person and hugged the boys leg. "rayne get back here," he groaned. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: four hundred and sixty fouroutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne and the parents are fake, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:music: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left]
Post by topher on Aug 21, 2011 16:18:24 GMT -5
. W E ' R E L I V I N ' E A S Y W E G O T T H E W H O L E D A Y and we can go hard no matter what the cops say No matter how much Topher didn’t like the library it was the only place he could actually concentrate when he had to try and read. The library was too quiet for Topher’s liking, but on the bright side it was a large area and there were enough people in there to make him not think he was alone. The thing about Topher reading though was that he wasn’t very good at it at all. He kind of had a bit of an interruption when he was being taught how to read and had a seven year gap between when he got the chance again. Two years have passed since he got back and he had the reading level of a 9 year old. Sometimes Topher wondered how they could have made him a sophomore when he was so behind in everything…
He was supposed to be reading a book. The rest of the class was reading Jane Eyre and Topher was assigned to read Double Fudge by Judy Blume. Honestly they really only had Topher in classes with other people close to his age because he needed the social experience, he had different lessons than everyone else and had to get special help. He knew he was behind everyone else and for some reason he felt some kind of odd tug in his chest whenever he realized how different he was in school than everyone else.
Ignoring the odd tug Topher kept to his lessons because he wanted to get rid of that feeling and get caught up. If sitting in the library and struggling through his assigned book was what he had to do he was going to do it. However somebody had just walked in and they were making a bit more noise than should be made in a library. Looking up Topher saw a boy with bright blue hair talking to nobody… maybe he had one of those blue tooth things. Topher hated those weird ear piece things. One time he went with his Dad to work and there was a man there that kept talking but there was nobody around but Topher so he kept answering the questions the man asked. Finally the guy yelled at him saying he was on the phone, which confused Topher because he didn’t see a telephone so he went to ask his Dad what was going on but then his Dad was in a meeting and got all upset… Yeah Topher didn’t like those crazy ear phone things.
Standing up, not to leave, but to go ask the librarian what the word “suspicious” meant Topher walked past the blue haired boy. Then the blue haired boy talked in his direction telling rain to get back there… Why would he want rain to get over there? Ignoring the boy Topher kept walking and asked the librarian what the word meant. She gave him a tired look, he did ask her a lot of questions after all, then told him that the word meant that someone or something looks like they were up to no good or looks like they did something wrong. Well that was interesting... How could a person tell that someone was up to no good by just looking at them?
Contemplating the word Topher walked back to his seat with his book in hand still ignoring the blue haired boy.
[ WORDS ] 562 [ TAGGED ] skye [ WEARING ] clickers [ NOTABLE ] tadaaaah
Post by schuyler james diego on Aug 22, 2011 8:57:14 GMT -5
she was laughing like crazy, [/size] ( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] skye watched as his little brother clung to the pants leg of the boy and he frowned, "raynedrop get back here. now." he knew taking rayne out places was a bad idea, but he couldn't say no to the little boy. but rayne wasn't laughing or saying anything, his eyes were frozen in fear as he clung onto the boys leg and was pulled. skye tried to remain calm, was trying not to blow a fuse. he didn't want to hurt anyone, but this boy was hurting his rayne, and if he had anything to do about it, well he was going to stop it. right now. so he got up and walked in front of the boy. "hey. i think you need to apologize." he expected to get odd looks as rayne finally pulled himself off the boys leg and hid behind skye. he looked down to inspect his brother, who only seemed to have some rug burn. "rayne. you okay?" when his brother nodded he shook his head, "don't lie to me." he ran a hand through the little boy's hair and turned to topher.
"you need to apologize to him. he has rug burns because of you, and that hurts." his voice was low, and cold, which it always was when he was trying to control his anger. which was hard when rayne was hurt, he hated rayne being hurt, and he wasn't going to let this boy get away with it. he hit people for hurting rayne, hell recently he beat some dude up at the beach for hurting him. dannie apologized at the dance studio, or he'd of hurt her too. not purposely, cause he liked dannie, she was nice and well he wouldn't of wanted to hurt her. he didn't know this boy, so he could care less. but with it being so public, he was sure he'd get a few days of isolation.
not that it would be 'isolation' to him, cause he was positive his parents and rayne would follow him. but dealing with rayne, in a closed space, with his parents. it seemed like it would be a hell of a few days. cause rayne would be bouncing off the walls hyper, and he wasn't sure he could deal with that, but it was what it was. "are you going to apologize. or am i going to have to make you?" he felt rayne pulling on his pants leg, and he looked down, "yeah buddy?" he saw his brother's frown and sighed, "what's wrong?" rayne just looked up at skye and tilted his head, "you don't have to hurt him...please?" skye sighed and frowned at rayne,"you can go over there back to the books. but he will apologize." he watched rayne hurry to scuttle away, he knew his brother hated watching him beat up people. but skye didn't like people hurting his brother and not apologizing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: five hundred and twooutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne is in his head, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:///sorry it sucks :cmusic: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left]
Post by topher on Aug 22, 2011 10:27:03 GMT -5
. W E ' R E L I V I N ' E A S Y W E G O T T H E W H O L E D A Y and we can go hard no matter what the cops say Blue hair, Topher didn’t understand why people dyed their hair. For some reason he couldn’t help but to just stare at the brightly colored hair. One time he almost got his ass kicked back at regular high school when a kid with bright red hair walked by and Topher stared at him all the way down the hallway, good thing Lex was there to get the red haired kid to not beat the shit out of him and then to explain him that it was rude to stare and he shouldn’t do it. However with the bright blue hair and the kid talking to himself Topher was having a really hard time not looking at the kid, however he knew he wasn’t supposed to so he didn’t.
However when the blue haired boy actually directed the word hey. I think you need to apologize. at him. What? Did he really do something that needed to be apologized for? People apologized when they did something they shouldn’t have done and to express that they regret what they have done. The problem was that Topher was pretty sure he hadn’t done a single thing wrong, he had only walked up to the librarian, asked her a question, then made to go back to his chair and try and read his book. He was telling him to apologize then started talking about rain again. Yup Topher was definitely confused.
Him? Wait did he just say he needed to apologize to him? There wasn’t anybody there. Who was he supposed to apologize to? There was only Topher and the blue haired boy. How could Topher have given someone rug burns? There was nobody there to give rug burns too and he was pretty sure that he wouldn’t purposely hurt someone. Topher knew what it was like to get hurt and he didn’t like it, so why would he do that to someone else because they probably wouldn’t like it either, Topher was sure of that.
Make him apologize? How could he make him apologize? Oh now he didn’t mean… he couldn’t mean that he was going to hit him? No… people didn’t do that in the real world. For the first year being free his parents had to constantly tell him that he wasn’t going to gewast hurt, not because Topher expressed that fear but because the head doctor told them that he might need some reassurance. However people didn’t talk to nothing in the real world so Topher really wasn’t sure how this was going to go. When the blue haired boy started talking to nothing again Topher’s face was blank but there plenty of confusion in his eyes.
Why should I apologize? Topher asked blankly, but completely sincere. He just wanted to know what he should apologize for, surely he missed something or he did something that he didn’t know was wrong. So maybe if the blue haired boy told him what he did wrong then he could understand what he did. That would be really helpful for sure. Maybe if Topher realized the situation he was in he probably would’ve just apologized on the spot to avoid anything harmful…
[ WORDS ] 529 [ TAGGED ] skye [ WEARING ] clickers [ NOTABLE ] tadaaaah
Post by schuyler james diego on Aug 22, 2011 14:58:46 GMT -5
she was laughing like crazy, [/size] ( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] skye didn’t know exactly why he got so angry when people didn’t apologize for hurting rayne, but he did, even if he knew that topher probably didn’t see rayne. but still, he was hurt. he had rug burns and this boy was going to apologize to his little brother. if he liked it or not. now rayne sage diago, or underwood as it was now, went to this school. skye had seen him and even discussed his rayne and their parents, whom he could see. now it seemed to confuse his real brother, but he couldn’t turn around and just get rid of his rayne. he kind of depended on him, it was how skye got through the different foster homes, never being adopted. it was a horrible feeling and he hated it, and having rayne and his parents with him, well that kept him from hurting himself. cause he was sure he’d be depressed and a different person without them. instead he stayed the same person. he was blunt and he didn’t take crap from anyone. he didn’t care what your problem was he’d either like you or dislike you. he wasn’t going to tip toe around your feelings. no he’d tell you straight up how he liked or disliked you.
so he stepped closer to topher as rayne ran away, he knew his brother hated seeing him angry but he couldn’t help it. he didn’t want someone thinking they could get away with hurting a poor little boy. schuyler glared at the boy, and through the corner of his eyes he saw rayne peeking from behind the bookshelves, both intrigued and scared. “you are going to apologize to rayne. you don’t just drag a poor boy across a library floor and not apologize.” normally he’d of thought rayne would be giggling and laughing at being drug around, but since his rayne met the actual rayne, it seemed he became scared easily. and well he was going to make sure no one scared his rayne. he loved the real rayne, and he’d do anything for him, but he was just so different. he was scared, and skinny and not as happy and loving as skye remembered. not like his rayne at all. so that was why his rayne stayed, because skye was sure he’d go insane without the sweet loving boy to talk him down from some of the idiotic things skye had tried to do. “skye don’t,” he heard his brother scream as skye stepped closer, almost touching the boy.
“you will apologize or i will make you apologize. i will not let you get away with it, if they send me to iso or not.” he couldn’t help but think of the horrors of rayne and him being in iso. he couldn’t lock the happy boy in a small room, it didn’t seem right. but he wasn’t going to take crap from this kid, even if he was slightly bigger than skye and could probably kick his ass if he wanted too. he’d apologize either way. “rayne come here so the nice man can apologize. you are a nice man? right?” he asked, his lip turned into a grimace as he waited for the apology and rayne came running up to his leg and hid behind him."“now apologize.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: five hundred seventy fouroutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne is in his head, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:///sorry it sucks :cmusic: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left]
Post by topher on Aug 23, 2011 15:48:54 GMT -5
. W E ' R E L I V I N ' E A S Y W E G O T T H E W H O L E D A Y and we can go hard no matter what the cops say Topher was pretty damn sure that this guy was angry. Now of course Topher wasn’t the right person to judge on the emotional state of another person. Hell Topher didn’t even know what he was feeling now. His heart was beating fast and the palms of his hands were starting to get sweaty, but he wasn’t too sure what that meant. Actually it was the same feeling he felt when he was with Vick and Edna and they decided to pay him a visit. Oh then this wasn’t good, this definitely wasn’t good. Should Topher just apologize? But surely this boy wouldn’t just hit him because he wanted to know what he was apologizing for… right?
Wait… was he telling him that he drug someone across the floor? Topher was pretty sure that he hadn’t done that. All he had done was walk over to the librarian, asked her a question, and made to walk back to his seat. There weren’t any little kids in the library, hell Topher was pretty sure there weren’t any little kids in the school at all. Surely this school wouldn’t be a good place for little kids, but that was beside the point, the point was that the blue haired boy was accusing him of doing something he didn’t do. So Topher being Topher said exactly what he was thinking But I didn’t drag anybody across the floor.
Poor oblivious Topher, anybody else would have realized what situation he was in. Somebody else probably would’ve realized that the blue haired boy had a screw loose and that Topher should just apologize. Topher on the other hand didn’t realize what was really going on. He was confused as usual. He didn’t understand why this boy was so angry with him because Topher was pretty sure that he was angry with him, he didn’t need his notecards to realize that he was mad. So honestly this was a good thing that he could actually tell all by himself, but a bad thing that he had yet to realize exactly what kind of situation he was in.
How will you make me apologize? Topher asked. Now if anybody else were to say what Topher just had said in this situation they probably would have been challenging the blue haired boy. Topher on the other hand didn’t understand how he could make him apologize. Sure when Vick and Edna wanted him to say he was sorry they did horrible things, but Topher had learned in his time away that Vick and Edna were not normal people. What Topher should have realized was that the people at Hawthorne weren’t normal people and might actually be violent toward him for no apparent reason.
The blue haired boy called for rain again which just confused Topher even more. Then he demanded that Topher apologize, but Topher was so confused. He actually sensed that he might actually want to apologize, which was pretty amazing for Topher. There was one problem though. Topher didn’t know who he was supposed to apologize to… I don’t understand… Who am I supposed to apologize to? Topher asked emotionlessly, but he was being sincere.
[ WORDS ] 527 [ TAGGED ] skye [ WEARING ] clickers [ NOTABLE ] tadaaaah
Post by schuyler james diego on Sept 1, 2011 15:37:41 GMT -5
( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] skye didn't like being mean, not really but his anger sometimes got the best of him. he just didn't like seeing someone hurt rayne and this guy was no exception to that. even if he didn't even notice that he had harmed the small boy. but skye honestly could care less if he knew or not, all he had to do was look at rayne and say he was sorry and skye would walk away. but if he didn't, skye didn't know what he would do. he'd probably punch the boy or worse, he didn't want to do worse but he'd do anything to keep his rayne safe and happy.
he just glared at the boy in front of him, he wasn't going to listen to this much longer. topher drug rayne across the floor and skye wasn't going to let him deny it. "you did too. if you didn't then how come he's crying and has rug burns?" he crossed his arm over his chest and just looked down at rayne. "he is crying because of you. so just apologize before i make you apologize," he hissed at the boy. he wasn't sure he could take topher he was kind of big.
he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the boy in front of him. "how do you think," he said realizing this boy must be an idiot to not see how angry he was. and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "i'll punch you and beat the apology out of you," he said not caring if he sounded like a complete freak. he just wasn't gonna let this slide, even if this boy didn't know anything at all and was just kind of on the crazy side.
skye took rayne's hand and pushed him forward a little, "its okay rayne." he looked at the boy and pointed down, "him. my brother. the boy you just dragged all over the place and don't even care about." he wiped the tear off of the small boys cheek and glared at the one in front of him. "just apologize so i can get on with my day. thanks." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: three hundred and ninety threeoutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne is in his head, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:///sorry it sucks :cmusic: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left] [i'll make this pretty later i have to go<3]
Post by topher on Sept 3, 2011 10:26:48 GMT -5
. W E ' R E L I V I N ' E A S Y W E G O T T H E W H O L E D A Y and we can go hard no matter what the cops say Honestly Topher just didn’t know what he had done wrong! All he had done was walk over to the librarian and asked a question. Surely there was nothing wrong about walking because never had he actually been punished for walking. Then there was asking a question. Maybe that was what he had done wrong; asking questions in the past weren’t always the best thing. If he asked one thing wrong he might as well have just asked for a beating or a cold bath instead. However the blue haired boy kept saying that he had drug someone across the floor and that is what he had done wrong, but maybe he was just confused…
But I didn’t drag anybody across the floor… Topher said, he still didn’t understand why the boy insisted that Topher had done that. Never would Topher intend on hurting someone because he knew all too well what being hurt was like. Really he didn’t like seeing people cry, like when his mom would always cry when he was at home. He didn’t know what to do when people cried because for the longest time he couldn’t remember the last time he had cried. What was he supposed to do?
Oh… Topher said his eyes widening when the blue haired boy said that he would punch and beat the apology out of Topher. No, no, no, no, no. What was he supposed to do now? If he didn’t apologize then he was going to get a beating, just the thought of it was starting to make Topher shut down. In the past he found that beatings went by best if he just went still and didn’t fight back then it ended quicker. However it was the best if he could come up with the right answer, but sometimes he did things wrong and the beatings just got worse… What if he apologized but he didn’t do it right?
Now what was he doing? This wasn’t right. What was Topher supposed to do? Did the blue haired boy actually think that there was somebody there, did he really truly believe that Topher had drug somebody across the floor? And why did he keep talking to the rain? It wasn’t even raining. Maybe somewhere in his notecards that his brothers made there was an answer, Topher was pretty sure there was a notecard on apologies. Um… one second Topher said before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a stack of beaten up notecards, quickly he began to shuffle through them hoping to come across the apology notecard before he got beaten up.
[ WORDS ] 433 [ TAGGED ] skye [ WEARING ] clickers [ NOTABLE ] tadaaaah
Post by schuyler james diego on Sept 13, 2011 10:37:06 GMT -5
she was laughing like crazy, [/size] ( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] skye was just done, he didn't want to do this anymore. hearing excuses usually pissed him the fuck off. yes he knew that nobody could actually see rayne and his parents. he wasn't a fucking retard. though just cause they didn't see them, it didn't mean they didn't exist. usually if he told someone that they were there, they'd apologize. well sometimes, at least in this school anyway. not everybody took the bluehaired boy as a freak, just most people. now usually skye didn't stay pissed off at the people who didn't apologize, cause when he was calmer, he kind of saw that he had acted like a lunatic, but at this moment the anger was just too much.
the boy smacked himself in the face, not like hard but more like a 'what the fuck,' type of deal before glaring at the boy. "you did. you dragged my fucking brother across the damn room and you will apologize to him." he looked down at rayne and saw that tears were falling down the small boys face and he picked the boy up for a minute, "hey its okay." when he was talking to rayne it was like his voice softened compared to how he was speaking to topher. he could never be angry at the poor boy. but rayne just shook his head at his brother and buried his head into skye's shoulder. "i'm scared skye." skye knew his brother hated when he was angry but even the tears coming from the boy's eyes had never been able to stop him.
skye sat down the crying boy and kissed his cheek before wiping the tears. "rayne, go back to read okay." he watched the boy nod before going to hide behind a book and he felt a sharp pain in his gut. he hated making the little boy cry but he wasn't going to get away with not apologizing. that wasn't happening at all, no matter what little rayne was feeling. when the boy took out notecards he thought that was rude. he was talking to him and he was just going to ignore him? that wasn't happening. of course if skye understood that topher needed those to figure things out, that he didn't understand things, well skye probably wouldn't of been as mad. but he didn't know and he wasn't taking shit from this fucker at all. he never did, he wasn't going to start now.
he took the notecards from the boy and shook his head, "you will listen and you will fucking apologize." he let the cards fall to the floor before curling his hand into a fist. deciding he was done giving him chances to apologize he moved his fist towards the boy to punch him. he was going to apologize if skye had to beat the shit out of him. he was tired of rayne being upset, it pissed skye off and nothing was gonna stop him from seeing a smile back on the boy's face again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: five hundred twenty threeoutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne is in his head, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:///sorry it sucks :cmusic: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left]
Post by topher on Sept 21, 2011 8:11:05 GMT -5
. W E ' R E L I V I N ' E A S Y W E G O T T H E W H O L E D A Y and we can go hard no matter what the cops say This just didn’t make any sense. There was nobody even near Topher besides this raving blue haired boy. If Topher had actually drug someone across the floor like he was being accused of then he probably would have apologized, but Jude told Topher to never apologize for something he didn’t do, oh the logic of an eight year old. This left Topher quite confused, hence why he pulled his notecards across the carpet, but as he was doing so he couldn’t help but notice that the blue haired boy was talking but it didn’t make any sense to him at all. This really was confusing.
Then before Topher could even have a chance to find the notecard on apologies, because surely there had to be something on that notecard about things like this, the blue haired boy took the notecards out of Topher’s hands. Oh no. Why would he do that? Now he couldn’t figure out a way to apologize or why he was supposed to in the first place. Sure he kept being told he had drug someone across the floor, but he hadn’t so it had to be code or something… right? Maybe if the thought really hard he could think of something, but he really didn’t have any time for that.
As he watched the notecards fall to the floor a fist came flying at his face and knocked him stumbling backwards so he hit a chair and fell to the floor. Really you would think for such a big guy at six foot six inches that he would have been able to handle that kind of hit, but over the years when violence was in the picture Topher learned to just shut down and not fight back . When the blue haired boy hit him that old instinct took over and Topher just stood on the floor and a vacant expression overtook his features.
However there was another feeling lingering inside of him and he couldn’t quite understand what it was. The feeling made his palms sweat, his hands shake, and he felt like he was suddenly just unable to move. Was it different from the feelings he had back then? Or was it the same and he was just now realizing what he was actually feeling? What was this? It took him a while to figure out that as he sat on the ground with his stack of notecards scattered that he was feeling fear. He was terrified of violence, he didn’t like to be hit and he didn’t like to remember what Vick’s punches felt like or Edna’s belt.
The memories were flooding back and Topher didn’t want them there. As if it would help he covered his ears with his hands and tucked his knees into his chest and started to rock back in forth. He didn’t want to remember this. All he could think of was I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. over and over and over again. Of course the words coming out of his mouth weren’t that instead he was just repeating No, no, no, no, no over and over and over again.
[ WORDS ] 523 [ TAGGED ] skye [ WEARING ] clickers [ NOTABLE ] tadaaaah
Post by schuyler james diego on Oct 8, 2011 8:56:28 GMT -5
she was laughing like crazy, [/size] ( MY FUTURE IS STATIC)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -credit to mighty momo of caution 2.0[/center] schuyler wasn't all bad, not on a usual basis, but when it came to little rayne. well he could never control it, no matter how hard he tried. very few things could snap the boy out of his craziness. if the person apologized or if any blood spilt. because it wasn't his goal to hurt them really bad. he just wanted an apology. was that really hard to ask for? he didn't think it was. it couldn't be that hard...right? why was this boy making it difficult. most people by this time would already apologize, he didn't have to actually punch the poor guys.
though when they didn't apologize, it was cause usually they could take skye and didn't find him a threat at all. or if they just thought the boy was insane and didn't feel like dealing with him. he was pretty sure the boy in front of him had the ability to take him, so he assumed that was why he was being so stubborn, but when he punched him. it was like the boy froze, and gave up doing anything. that confused the blue-haired boy more than anything in the world and he kind of stood there for a minute, puzzled as can be.
when the boy began to rock back in forth, well skye's eyes flicked over to lil rayne he ran over and was hugging the boy. the sight was enough to hold skye from punching the boy again, cause he'd hit rayne and he knew that. though it was too late to really do anything to make it better.if he knew the boy would do this, he wouldn't of laid a finger on him. pretty sure touching him would be worse he flicked his eyes around him. the librarian was already calling security, so they'd be here soon to try and help him.
the boy's face wasn't angry, he didn't realize what he was doing when he was doing it. just it was too much to see this boy denying it. of course he knew people couldn't see his brother, but to him he was real. he had been there so long, he didn't know what he'd do without him. he was sure it wouldn't be anything good. he'd be a sad boy if lil rayne and his parents left him. it was the only thing that kept skye on the right track in life. "hey..sorry. man i didn't realize. i won't touch you again."then he saw the security and he raised his hands in the air, in a surrender. he deserved iso, so he would embrace it. though lil rayne would be one poor bored boy as he followed behind him as he was escorted out of the library. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - she said jesus had a twin, [/size] ( ITS COMING BACK TO ME)[/center] words: four hundred and ninety eightoutfit: heretags: biscuit with tophernotes: mind you rayne is in his head, the bold is what they say so ignore it. c:///sorry it sucks :cmusic: schizophrenia by sonic youthcredit: gabs of a different color; @ caution 2.0 don't steal or she'll hurt you c: [/font][/left]